What you’ll get
LEARN: Education on the history, context, nuance and day to day implications of systemic racism and how it impacts you and others.
LEAD: It begins with us. As we learn, grow and evolve in our anti-racism journey, it gives us the opportunity to lead important change in our own lives, communities, industry and society at large.
RISE: Through our powerful activism, allyship and advocacy we create a safer, more just and equitable world. We rise together.
ROCK: Clear actions to take to disrupt the racist systems, conversations, behaviours and perceptions around you and in spaces you go, in your own unique way.
“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” – Audre Lorde
“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.” – Audre Lorde
Dive in.👇
Anti Racism Educators.
Leading experts and educators in the field of anti-racism, social justice and allyship with a selection of books, programs, courses and communities for you to dive into.
Videos and media.
Must see movies, videos and longer form content from creatives, artists, poets and musicians sharing perspectives on rocking the system and rocking against racism.
Accounts to follow.
Featured news, poets, and educational accounts to help you feel fired up, keep your finger on the pulse and energised to take action.
Learn. Lead. Rise. Rock.
Learn. Lead. Rise. Rock.
The Beat Racism Bulletin.
The Beat Racism Bulletin is your regular dose of insights and inspiration straight to your inbox. You’ll get opportunities to support BIPOC-led initiatives, advocate for industry-wide changes alongside us, and get the insiders scoop on exciting projects, gigs and events.